Friday, 29 October 2010

Unit 1.4: Banner- Lowry Section Layout Ideas

After cutting the text down significantly, I managed to create a lighter, easier to read paragraph outlining the features of the Lowry building. I was just about able to squeeze this in the sky at the top, and have inserted 'The Lowry' as a title in the bottom right hand corner. I think that this design is far superior to the others, because it manages to make the information very clear, whilst keeping the banner attractive, and not spoiling the picture.

After a while, I came up with the idea of placing the text in front of the sky, as this made it both easy to read and it didn't spoil the picture. I selected the photo with the most sky, and then proceeded to copy and paste the text which I had created into the sky area. However, there was a bit too much text, and I was forced to extend the sky area by a fraction, and even cram some of my writing in near the bottom. I realised that I needed to cut down on the existing text and only use it at the top, as the ground proved a bit too dark.

After I had taken my own photographs of the Lowry, Imperial War Museum North and the Octagon, I decided that my design would look much more engaging if I used faded versions of my own images in the background instead of plain white. The problem was that this made the text quite hard to read from a distance, and you could not see the pictures clearly enough. I then realised that I would either need an uncomplicated image with lighter colours in contrast to the black text, or stick with my original plan and use a white background with images on either side of the text.

bove was my initial idea for the layout of the Lowry section of the banner, with sample images from the internet. However, although the plan proved to be effective with images on either side, I found that the text in the centre looked rather dull and plain with just a plain white background.

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